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China's steel demand in 2018 increased by 0.7% year on year

Release time:2017-12-05 | Publisher:admin | Browse times:11635

ource of the article: cn December 4th


Zhongzheng Wang news December 4th, metallurgical industry planning and Research Institute held a news conference to make forecast on 2018 in China and global steel demand, the prediction results show that in 2017, China's steel demand was 7.25 tons, an increase of 7.7%; in 2018, China's steel demand was 7.3 tons, an increase of 0.7%. Globally, the global demand for steel in 2017 was 16.19 billion tons, up 5.1% from the same year, and the demand in 2018 was 16.47 billion tons, up 1.7% from the same period.

Xiao Bangguo, vice president of China Metallurgical Industry Planning Research Institute said that in promoting global economic benefit than expected recovery and domestic supply side structural reform in 2017, China's economy is generally stable, constantly optimize the structure, accelerate the growth of new energy, improve quality and efficiency. It is estimated that China's gross domestic product and fixed asset investment will increase by 6.6% and 8% in 2018, respectively. In 2018, China's steel demand was 7.3 billion tons, up 0.7% over the same period last year.

The effect of steel demand from downstream industries, the construction industry as the largest demand of steel industry, affected by the 2017 new construction area of real estate and infrastructure investment growth and other factors, is expected in 2018 steel demand was 3.88 tons, an increase of 0.3%; 2017 machinery industry growth than expected, 2018 will continue to stabilize the good trend in 2018, the steel demand was 1.38 tons, an increase of 1.5%; the automotive industry in recent years continued production and sales growth momentum is expected in 2018 steel demand was 59 million 500 thousand tons, an increase of 2.6%.

In addition, it is expected that the energy industry, shipbuilding industry, household appliances industry, railway industry and container industry in 2018 steel demand was 32 million 500 thousand tons, 14 million 500 thousand tons, 12 million tons, 5 million 100 thousand tons and 6 million 400 thousand tons, respectively, an increase of 3.6%, flat growth of 2.6%, growth of 4.1% and an increase of 6.7%.

For the global demand for steel, Xiao Bangguo said that, affected by the global economy to better factors, the consumption of steel in every region in 2017 showed a growth trend. Among them, the consumption of steel in Asia increased by 6.9% compared with the same period last year, while that in Africa increased by 3.9% compared to the same period last year. The growth rate of steel consumption in the Middle East and Europe was the same, up 2% from the same period last year. The consumption of steel in the CIS, South America, North America and Oceania increased by 1.6%, 0.6%, 1.3% and 1%, respectively. "In 2018, the demand for steel in all regions of the world will continue to grow, and the total demand is expected to be 16.47 billion tons, up 1.7% over the same period. But the growth of parts of the region has declined.  Among them, the growth of steel demand in China has been declining, and the demand for steel in Asia has increased by 1.8%, and the increase in speed is down by 5.1% in 2017.

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