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How important is the manufacturing sector to the rise of China?

Release time:2017-11-14 | Publisher:admin | Browse times:96568

In early 2010, Chinese has become the world's first industrial nation in history of the completion of the preliminary achievement of industrialization, there appeared some discordant notes, some people will be linked with industrial sweatshops; some people even will be eliminated by history as an inevitable industrial industry, put forward "de industrialization".

So, the industry is really the culprit of environmental pollution, is the industry that will be eliminated by history?


The rise of the country, because of the strong industry

1) because of the British Empire achievements of the industrial revolution

The British Isles suspending overseas, in a fairly long period of time in history, the United Kingdom in the political, economic and cultural are marginalized -- the British nobility to say a few words of French to highlight their noble English in continental Europe is regarded as inferior language. The advent of the Industrial Revolution gave the marginalized British salt a chance to turn over.

In 1733, the mechanic John invention will shuttle weaving efficiency 1 times. On 1764, Weaver and carpenter James Hargreaves Jeanne invented the spinning machine, spinning efficiency 15 times. 1785, engineer Edeh Monte Carter Wright invented hydraulic loom, the work efficiency is improved by 40 times, the traditional handicraft industry gradually disintegrated, was replaced by mechanized production.

With the rise of the textile industry, put forward higher requirements on the power system, only the original steam engine for mine pumping after improvement is used in the textile industry, in 1784 the British established the first steam spinning factory. After that, the steam engine has been applied to the metallurgical industry, railway transportation, steam boats and other fields. By 1825, Britain has 15 thousand sets of steam engine (375 thousand HP), from the mine to the factory, from land to ocean, everywhere is in the machine roar, everywhere is full of machines in the rotating machine in benz......

Thus Britain not only in the textile industry basically get rid of the traditional handicraft industry shackles, mechanization, transportation, metallurgy and other fields in the implementation of the machine to replace human. By 1850, British industrial output accounted for 39% of the world's total industrial output, and trade accounted for 21% of the world's total.

When the British Opium War, the Qing Dynasty when the door blew open, we should not only see the British gunboats, but also to see the base for industrial support for the gunboats, and this is the nineteenth Century Red Army played all over the world invincible hand of material security, is becoming the cornerstone of Britain does not fall on the Empire the.

2)Germany has the ability to challenge the old international order because of its strong industrial power

Industrialization in Germany is 50 years later than that in england. In 1830, Germany's industrial population accounted for only less than 3%, is still an agricultural country, with Deutsche in a split state, the German people to become Europe's three citizens bullied, that in nineteenth Century by a famous German Romantic poet Henie said, "the land belongs to the French and Russians, belonging to the British ocean only in the dream, the air Kingdom, German power is beyond all dispute".

Until 1834, under the appeal of scholars such as Lester, the German customs union was established, and the German state embarked on the road of industrialization. To 1846, the German Customs Union States has 313 mills and 750 thousand mechanical spindle, with 1139 sets of steam engine (21 thousand and 700 HP). By 1848, the German railway line was 2500 kilometers long.

Subsequently, the German state seized the opportunity of the second industrial revolution, the iron and steel industry flourished, the emergence of Ruhr Industrial Zone, Saar industrial zone and other industrial centers. To 1870, the German steam power was 2 million 480 thousand HP motor, coal production reached 34 million tons of pig iron production reached 1 million 390 thousand tons, steel production reached 170 thousand tons, a length of 18876 km railway line.

So far, the German industry surpassed France at one time, and the total output value accounted for 13.2% of the world's total industrial output, which also laid the material foundation for Prussia's victory in the Franco Prussian War in 1871.

Strong industrial base has become the German emboldened to challenge British hegemony.

3)The SUIN strong industrial new international order after the war lay

The United States 1800-1850 years, is still a backward agricultural country, northern industrial food processing and textile industry, but also produce timber, minerals and other raw materials; the south is a plantation economy, farm slaves, cotton, tea, food.

After the civil war, the United States like Germany to seize the opportunity of the second industrial revolution, with the United States has better development potential than Germany -- a vast territory, abundant resources, large population, richly endowed by nature geographical environment, which makes us get industrial explosive growth, from 1868 to 1880, the growth of steel production with an average annual rate of about 40%, to the eve of the first World War, the US industrial production ranks first in the world, the global industry accounted for 32% of the total production, steel, coal, oil and food production ranks first in the world.

By the eve of World War II, American industrial production accounted for 38.7% of the global industrial output. And this is the United States during World War II, on average every two months to build a fleet of aircraft carriers, producing 40 thousand aircraft each year, the root cause of 20 thousand tanks.

On the eve of World War, Russia's industrial output accounted for 8.2% of the total output of the world industry, although industrial strength is not vulgar, but industrial production in a large portion of foreign investment from light industry, domestic heavy industry accounted for only 1/5 of the industry, it is also so, Russia called "Colossus with feet of clay".

In the first World War, the Russian equipment was greatly inferior to the German army, and even some 3 soldiers shared a rifle. In the establishment of the Soviet Union, especially in Stalin's guiding ideology and the industrialization of iron and steel under the planned economy system, ushered in the era of rapid industrialization, to the eve of World War II, Soviet industrial production accounted for 17.6% of the total output of the world industry, and industrial structure in industry, heavy industry as the main body.

Is relying on a strong heavy industry, 108 thousand Soviet tanks and artillery production during World War II, 144 thousand aircraft, and eventually won the war, and the allies in the meeting on the Elbe, and the United States a redrawing of the postwar international order.


Western decline, because of losing a powerful industry

1)Without strong industry, there will be no international status

Back in history, in the two World War, although Chinese paid a huge price, but only in the name of the victors, but there is no real victors - after the war, Shandong is Japan seized Chinese rights; rights Mongolia and the northeast after the Second World War by the United States sanctions to the Soviet union. The root of these phenomena lies in the fact that the industrial strength is inferior to man, and the comprehensive national strength is inferior to that of the people. It is obvious that the data before World War II are compared:

The United States accounts for 38.7% of the world's industrial production;
The Soviet Union accounts for 17.6% of the world's industrial production;
Germany accounts for 13.2% of the world's industrial production;
Britain accounts for 9.2% of the world's industrial production;
France accounts for 4.5% of the world's industrial production;
China accounts for 0.3% of the world's industrial production.

From the above data, it can be seen that before World War II, China's industrial strength is extremely weak, limited factories, most of the textile industry, while heavy industry is almost zero, from small to nail, big aircraft, tanks, warships basically rely on imports. Do not have their own industrial system and national defense industry, not only to protect national security, sustainable development and to support the national economy, the law of the jungle law of international relations, nature suffered humiliation, even the national sovereignty is also regarded as China powers can deal with the object.

It is for the first time since 1840, the first generation of collective leadership with an almost religious zeal for the development of heavy industry, even live frugally, hungry must also establish a complete industrial system, build a strong national defense industry in 1949, Chinese is a devastated, poor after weak agricultural country, in 1976, China became has a complete industrial system and the two bombs, nuclear submarines and other sophisticated weapons and equipment to the world's sixth industrial nations. Chinese to get rid of the poor and weak impression, People's Republic of China has become one of the five permanent members of the United Nations, the United States, and the Soviet Union, Britain, France veteran international power equal status.

2)Without strong industry, there will be no sustained prosperity of the economy

No "agriculture" unstable, no "work" is not strong, no "business" is not rich. Because of the relatively limited output of agriculture, industry is truly a powerful hematopoietic industry in the three industries, which has an extraordinary significance for sustained economic prosperity and social stability.

If there is no strong industry, although you can rely on the sale of natural resources, but the scenery is temporary, but can not enjoy the scenery.

Rely on the sale of resources in the country, Argentina in the early twentieth Century's wealthier countries last century due to the rise of Japan's economy in 70s, once the commodity bull market gave birth to large demand for raw materials, iron ore, oil, soybean prices, support Argentina's economic prosperity, Argentina was even into the developed countries the threshold, but with the Japanese demand for raw materials in the saturation and Japan's "lost twenty years", Argentina's economy suffered heavy losses, coupled with domestic populism and short-sighted politicians, Argentina has become the world's only two, from developed countries to developing countries "transformation" joke (the other one is South Africa).

Brazil compared to Argentina is also a fellow sufferers, because of resource exports by Japan's economic development situation and the ups and downs; on the other hand, open market reform, the domestic industry under the serious impact of foreign products, the manufacturing industry in the national economy in Brazil increased from last century 29% in 80s to about 10% now, atrophy, make Brazil will lose the last bus carrying industrialization opportunities.

It is "to industrialization" has brought great harm to the society and economy, in order to save the U.S. decline, Obama embarked on a wide array of the "re industrialization", put forward "in the first state of the Union's second term in the United States to become the new employment and manufacturing field", encourage manufacturing reflux, its purpose is to use a powerful industry to revitalize the u.s..


So, strengthen the development of strong industrial unswervingly

If the Chinese people in some economists flicker, engage in "to industrialization", vigorously develop the financial services industry, it is completely cripple -- when the South African industry is not strong, not only one foot into the nuclear threshold, but also the production of horn MK2 tanks, tanks, stone tea, honey badger Falcon G5 and other advanced equipment. But after Mandela took office, in accordance with the Western values, consciously or unconsciously "to industrialization", South Africa reduced from developed countries to developing countries.

But the lessons of the Soviet Union is more profound, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union was reduced to fragments complete industrial system, in the more than 20 years after the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, Russia from the industrial empire, reduced to a sale of oil and natural gas and the Soviet era background for resource-based countries, known as the "have the Saudi nuclear", even in Ukraine and Syria this low-intensity conflict, Russia's interference and intervention not only caused serious injuries of the domestic economy, the actual interference ability compared to the Soviet intervention, is heaven and earth.

Overview of the powers of success can be described as "lost in the industrialization, industrialization". A guide for the future, hope that people learn a lesson, do not shake firm road to industrialization!

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