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Innovative ideas, constantly adjust the structure to cluster development to market orientation

Strengthening top-level design to create new formats of automobile industry

Release time:2017-11-14 | Publisher:admin | Browse times:21231

September 8th - 10, CO sponsored by Chinese automotive technology and Research Center, Institute of automotive engineering, China Chinese Automobile Industry Association, China automotive newspaper and Tianjin economic and Technological Development Zone of the 2017 Chinese automobile industry development (TEDA) International Forum held in Tianjin, the theme of the forum is "the new concept of new formats". More than 1000 domestic and foreign auto industry elite to participate in the forum, they debate hot topic, judged the prospects for industrial development. The special guests recorded some wonderful speech published two, for readers to learn from the wisdom and inspiration from work.

Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of industry and commerce, is now the most intense window for the auto industry to change from 2025 to the present
Many countries have to adjust their development strategies, accelerate the new energy, intelligent network of industrial layout, to seize the new round of the commanding heights. Some countries have developed to stop the production and sales of traditional energy vehicles schedule, the Ministry also launched a related study, also will work with relevant departments to formulate our schedule, profound changes in these measures will promote the development of China's automobile industry environment and power generation.
After years of efforts, China's auto industry has formed a relatively complete industrial system, in some areas of technical level and foreign gap is not big, already has the same with foreign developed countries on the basis of competition and conditions. But starting at the same time doesn't mean arriving at the destination synchronously. We must start from the development bottleneck and short board, as a positive, active force. Attention should be paid to the following problems:
First, the industry scattered small disorder problem. A large number of enterprises, the development of the industry is poor, not many, many enterprises do not master the core technology, but blindly paving points. In recent years, although the development of new energy automotive industry has made significant progress, but now also presents a trend of structural surplus, it must arouse the attention of the industry, seriously to guard against.
Two is the lag of innovation ability. China's automobile enterprises is still a lot of the core technology and advanced internal combustion engine heteronomy, efficient transmission, has been a short board of the whole industry, pure electric platform is the lack of positive research in the new energy vehicles, power battery has not yet achieved a revolutionary breakthrough, the development of key parts of advanced sensor has just started, lightweight, intelligent vehicle is still needs to be further improved, we still have some institutional obstacles, if not the breakthrough, we may have missed another period of strategic opportunities.
Three is energy saving and emission reduction. In accordance with the current development of the automotive industry, we are still very difficult to achieve the standard, but also the entire automotive industry to work hard.
Four is the strategic transformation problem. From now to 2025 should be the most drastic changes in the automotive industry a few years, enterprises need to deeply understand this trend.
At present, the domestic enterprises have not yet fully understood, some enterprises still lack clear development ideas and long-term strategic planning, in this regard to learn from Kodak's lesson.
The medium and long term plan of industrial development put forward that China should be stronger and bigger, and strive to enter the ranks of the world automobile powers after ten years of continuous efforts to realize the dream of a car power. Here, I put forward the following suggestions for reference:
First, we should unify our understanding and implement strategic planning. Second, adhere to innovation driven, create an atmosphere of innovation. Third, improve the industry management, optimize the development environment. In order to establish a long-term mechanism, we have formulated a double integral management method with the relevant departments, and will be promulgated soon. Fourth, reform the system and mechanism to stimulate the vitality of development. Fifth, insist on opening to the outside world and enhance competition ability. To seize the "The Belt and Road" significant opportunity to hold together the sea, product, technology, service and standard collaborative going out.
The historical opportunities of our development of the automobile industry not only is our historical mission, we must strengthen confidence, overcome difficulties, to achieve leapfrog development in China from the auto power to auto power to make greater contributions.
Deputy director of high tech development and Industrialization Department of Ministry of science and technology continue to advance: China will become the most important and most competitive new energy vehicle market
At present, more and more attention has been paid to cross-border technology and industry cooperation in new energy automotive industry, and new energy vehicles have become the focus of competition in the global automotive industry. New energy vehicles have become the symbol of the transformation and upgrading of the United States, Europe and Japan are at the national level of industrial upgrading strategy, accelerate the new energy vehicle development process, and actively promote industrial upgrading and integration of development, international science and technology cooperation more closely, continued to force some multinational companies, launched a comprehensive new energy vehicle market competition.
At the same time, the main multinational enterprises in addition to local promotion efforts, both eyes on the Chinese market, it can be foreseen, with the new energy automotive industry accelerated, China will become the most important and most competitive market in the future. It is clear to realize that the industry is in the period of overall speed up and industrial transformation, and there are still many difficulties in the future development process and challenges from large foreign enterprises. We should seize the great, have a brilliant future period of strategic opportunities, take the initiative as momentum, accelerating the development of new energy automotive technology and industrial development, to further strengthen international cooperation, actively promoting international exchanges.

On the one hand, we should continue to strengthen technical cooperation and personnel exchanges with the Sino US new energy center, electric vehicles, strategic partners and other government agreements.
Two is collaborative innovation, the system to promote the development of fuel cell vehicles. Hydrogen fuel vehicle has become an important development direction, the United States, the European Union attaches great importance to. Our country also has the policy layout, the multi department has promulgated the fuel cell automobile support measure.
National Development and Reform Commission, Industrial Coordination Department equipment director Wu Wei: smart car roadmap is being developed
In this round of intelligent wave, the major changes in the global industry are also concentrated on the surface, now the breakthrough use of intelligent vehicles. In order to speed up the innovation and development of China's intelligent vehicles, and strive to seize the commanding heights in the new round of industrial change in the world, we will work closely with the parties concerned to carry out the following work.
First, strengthen top-level design, formulate overall strategy. Recently, we are organizing the drafting of National Smart car innovation and development strategy, through the formulation of strategies to clear the future period of China's smart car strategic direction, safeguard measures, key tasks, so as to lead the development of intelligent vehicles in China's grand blueprint and action program. At the same time, the recent action plan, roadmap and timetable are proposed to ensure that the innovation and development strategy is started as early as possible and implemented in an orderly way.
Two is to focus on the advantages of resources, build innovation platform. In the national overall guidance, market-oriented mode of operation, unite network communication backbone enterprises, automobile leading enterprises, the focus of scientific research units and other multi power as soon as possible the formation of the National Smart car platform for innovation and development, making bear the basic standards, industrial ecological cultivation, an important duty of network operation and management, to ensure the effective implementation of the national strategic task.
Three is to focus on core technology, strengthen scientific research. As soon as possible, the key technology and technology research projects will be included in the national major plan, breakthroughs in laser radar, high precision sensors, automotive chips, Beidou Positioning, cloud technology platform and other core technologies, to meet the application requirements of high level intelligent vehicles.
The four is to optimize the system supply and improve the standards of laws and regulations. We should speed up the legislation of intelligent vehicle in China, standardize the public road test and driver's responsibility division, speed up the construction of independent standard system in the aspect of intelligent transportation facilities, and establish mandatory standards for the aspects of affecting vehicle safety and information security.
Five is to create conditions for use, the implementation of road infrastructure information upgrade, accelerate the construction of intelligent transportation system.
The development of intelligent vehicle is a typical cross field, inter departmental system engineering, which requires the overall planning of the country, and more extensive participation and open cooperation.
It is hoped that domestic and foreign auto parts information communication and related R & D, manufacturing, application services and other areas of the market players, strengthen the synergy and common development, strengthen basic generic technology innovation, strengthen the layout of R & D system at home and abroad. We believe that by strengthening the strategic guidelines for the implementation of innovation driven, integration and optimization of overall resources, we give full play to the basic ability of the automobile industry, advanced communication network technology and the huge market potential, and combined with our country the advantages of concentrating power, we should be able to grasp the historical opportunity of the development of intelligent vehicle, the car out of the way the innovation and development of intelligent China.
Hu Jianping, deputy inspector of the Department of market system construction of the Ministry of Commerce: building a unified, open, competitive and orderly automobile circulation system
The new era of good management of automobile circulation, accelerate the reform of the main automobile distribution system is, from the perspective of automobile circulation chain, accelerate the automobile circulation supply side structural reform, to guide the optimization of supply of products and services, to build a shared, economical and social car circulation system, flow from the car to the second-hand car to scrap cars the channels, promote the automobile joint development, improve efficiency, improve the environment of automobile circulation, explore new growth points of consumption, the whole chain coordination of consumption and expanding the service state of steady growth, structural adjustment, improve people's overall situation.
First of all, in view of the outstanding problems faced by China's new car circulation, the Ministry of Commerce issued a car sales management measures this year, and formally implemented since July 1st. This is a milestone in the field of automotive circulation, and will also become a key to stimulate the vitality of the automotive market and promote the sustained and healthy development of the automotive market. Since the promulgation and implementation of the new approach, the circulation industry is some positive changes, many suppliers, dealers have been in accordance with the provisions of the adjustment of the terms of the contract, determine the new relationship between equal subjects, more prominent to protect the interests of consumers, while exploring for more flexible and efficient channel development model in practice. Especially the innovation of new energy vehicle sales model has become a hot topic of discussion in the industry. At present, the local commercial authorities have also received some measures to regulate complaints related to content, and has started the corresponding law enforcement work. Next we will thoroughly carry out advocacy work throughout the organization, guidance and supervision to implement auto market rules, to complete the basic information and record information submitted on time, to strengthen supervision, strengthen the inspection, strengthen cooperation, and a number of typical cases, to ensure effective implementation measures.
Two is to carry out the parallel import of automobiles, to meet the multi-level needs. The next step will be in accordance with the State Council deployment requirements, and actively promote the work of parallel imported cars, improve the relevant policies and measures to accelerate the replicated experience, strengthen the pilot lever, strengthen customer service service, to expand the results, to expand the automobile consumption growth to make greater contributions to promote economic stability.
Three is to facilitate the use of second-hand car transactions, enliven the second-hand

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